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Old 10-19-2011, 04:31 PM
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Re: The Samsung Galixy S II

Originally Posted by Matheazy View Post
HAS ANYONE SUCESSFULLY Sync'd via USB? I have had several HTC phones, they were all very glitchy. I just came off the Tilt II, omg I should run that phone over. Now I have this PHAT Galixy S II and it uses Andriod to sync wirelessly to my Outlook and Gmail, HOWEVER you cant transfere photos you took, music you have or eaisly transfere software to the phone because everything has to be done via WIFI, and if you work in a fourture 500 company they dont let your cell phone use the internal WIFI. HE IN LIES THE PROBLEM: I cant get my cell connected to my work computer via USB for easy file transfer, ANYONE have the solution to this delimma? PLEASE HELP SOS!
Thank you for your time,
You could just try a microsd card to usb converter.

it will treat your sd crad from your phone like a flash drive and then you can just save everything to the ccard and put it back in the phone.

No need for wifi
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