Originally Posted by Paran0idAndr0id
Tethering works in Windows 7, Portable Wifi Hotspot worked pretty good for me, even when connecting more than one device, but I'm in a location that gets 2.75 Mbps dl.
Turning off Portable Wifi Hotspot....that's a different story. Freezes the OS every time and requires a reboot.
Battery life is still the main issue for me as far as making this my main OS on the tp2. I've disabled all widgets except the power toggle, v6 supercharger-256hp aggressive-hard to kill oom, no bloat app/task killers/memory managers, gps & wifi/cell network turned off. With all these settings disabled I got a max of 12 hours battery life, but that was rarely using the phone and 2 call at 20 minutes, no txt, 5 min of internet browsing.
I'll be back and forth between WinMo 6.5 (sprint stock rom) and frx071 depending on what I need. I have to admit, Sprint's stock rom of WinMo 6.5 does fairly well on battery life (about 2-3 days between charge) and using it regularly w/ text, internet, games, weather, bluetooth standby, but I know this is comparing apples to oranges.
Yea, WinMo sips battery - I think even if our port was 100% flawless (which it's not 100% flawless on native devices...) WinMo would still do significantly better on battery. This is one bone of contention most people have with Android on native devices. I think apps just run rampant, and Google really needs to work on that at the core of the system.
FYI, the 3rd party wifi hotspot apps don't cause the device to explode. There's even a
XDAndroid wifi tethering app that was used before native tethering was available. I hear Barnacle on the Market works fine too. Only issue is the built-in tool puts up an 'actual' AP. The 3rd party ones put up ad hoc AP's...