Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
gTen... I can't speak for the iPhone, but if you show me an Android phone that does a cold boot in that amount of time (and is fully usable), and I'll take it back... but I had an EVO and an Epic, and neither came anywhere near that.
The Evo is a slow to boot, if you wana see a comparison look here:
The epic boots pretty fast too, if you use default boot animation its a tad longer due to the animation being longer then that actual boot time. But even with Sprints animation its definitely less then 30 seconds.
I mean even my windows 7 pc boots in 15 seconds or so :/
Edit: I clocked the video, boot time was 24 seconds (having a plain boot animation too), thats on par with the boot time of an epic 4g.
I could not quickly find an Epic stock animation but here is one:
Time: 26 seconds, and fancy animation. My phone boots at around 20 seconds.