Originally Posted by rainfreak
That's because this site is pretty much a black hole for Apple products. No one mentions them much here because there are way too many haters and because there is not a good network of Apple users at PPCG for support. We've all moved on to other sites.
It's a shame too; I didn't really think that my choice in phones would change my standing at this site, but it has. But now I just spend all my time at other sites and getting good Apple related information and discussing stuff with other Apple users. Works for me.
Hey man! Did you end up getting the 4s? I think there are things in the works which will make this place a forum for everyday users as well as the hardcore flashers. I'm not ashamed to admit I would consider an iphone. Why not? I only wish they would have added LTE and a 4" screen and that would definitely be in my pocket when I switch carriers in the near future. May still end up in my wife's pocket though LOL
I think we as a community should not discount any device at this point imo. Variety is the spice of life.
Originally Posted by eric12341
there's a few people on this site considering it, but not many.
That's probably true but there are some major advantages to having something that works out of the box with virtually no modification needed. I think the average users (90% of the general public) appreciate this or more to the point don't think/care about the alternative which is what we do here (Rooting, flashing, modding the snot outta our phones). My guess is there will be alot more iPhone users in the near future here and I hope we can continue working towards creating an environment that makes them feel welcome.