Originally Posted by Timmygt
QuickGPS fixed my GPS problem, thanks!
But I am still having problems turning my phone off when I am running Android, it was the WVGA .cab I had installed so I removed it and reinstalled it and the phone still wont turn off unless I do it from windows (Android it just resets it). any ideas what to do to fix that?
I'm sure if I still have my TP2 when it is Gingerbread runs smother then FroYo I'll switch over but FroYo is exciting enough by itself. thanks for everything, I would have never even tried to do this if it wasn't for you and everyone who helped make it possible.
Oh... Power off from Android is inconsistent at best. Pulling the battery always works... On NAND this issue will be fixed. Running from SD card has its drawbacks. One of them is no way to properly unmount on partitions reboot/shutdown.