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Old 10-15-2011, 04:44 PM
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Re: iPhone 4S on SPRINT - Questions...

Originally Posted by djqwikcut View Post
Currently I am using the EVO 4G on sprint and I am THINKING of getting the new IPHONE 4S.. couple of questions I would like to ask which will help make my decision:

1. Is there SWYPE for the iPhone?

2. Is then an untethered Jailbreak for the 4S (IOS 5)? This is very important as I want to use the wifi tethering APP and some other things.

3. is there any reason WHY I would NOT want to get the iphone 4S?

Thanks ....
1) and 2) yes I believe so but u have to jailbreak for them
3) I wouldn't go as far as what @darren.wlsn1 did and say they suck but I will say that there are other options out there, like wp7 mango for example,even tho the 4S has iOS5 it is still missing some features that can be found in wp7 mango. likewise mango is missing a hand count of features that are in iOS5 its all up to u to decide which of those included/missing features will make/break the deal for u.
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