Originally Posted by muziling
change language cause signal lost, signal icon show no signal
Now call out is OK, last version, has APN setting menu, this version have not.
Phone can not call in...who call in will listen busy sound.
RIL can search for highlandsun help..
Thanks for the feedback bro but i'm having a tough time understanding you. If you are CDMA, there is no APN menu (never has been and probably never will be). You keep thinking this is xdandroid when its not, so ignore what you know and concentrate on how it should be. If you want to help more, you need to educate yourself on AOSP.
Hyc made some changes to allow apn's on cdma for xdandroid.
Merge request #1: Enable APN setting for CDMA and GSM - Gitorious
Remember this build by OMGB team is out of my hands and i'm trying not to modify it since they handle all the userland changes. All i can do is make the device specific files to allow us to be easily portable to any build.
Now in the past you had the apn menu because for your specific case, you were using GSM phone and not CDMA. Once you switch to CDMA all apns settings are gone. So i need to understand if you use a sim chip with cdma or not. Remember World phones are a bitch to deal with ..
Does the ringer work for you? that was the only issue i faced this morning ..