Originally Posted by kyderr
if you go into CHTeditor and edit your pages & levels, then change your Home Swipe levels to Lowest 0 and your Widget Pages (portrait) to 3, then go to Edit Home Layout (be on Level 0) and edit Extra Space - slide right and delete all the widgets - then slide all the way left and you will find a rouge widget for restart in the upper left corner (once I deleted this I havent had any problems with widets moving around randomly in 2.0 - just thought I would let people know about it, since you won't see it unless you set up the CHTeditor pages & levels and delete the toggle switch widgets (which will have moved into the extra space area) the way I stated above.)
OK. The above procedure does work, and there is a little reset device link hiding up in there. Now two more questions, Does this fix CHT2000? Can this be done via the registry?
The problem with the first question is that I only start noticing problems when using CHT2000 for a little while. Getting it all loaded up with the things I want and using it a week or so. Hard to do on the test device. I wonder if this should be posted to the CHT Thread....
Originally Posted by newmant
I don't think anyone has tried it. also I'm not sure NRGZ could do anything about it anyway, it may have to be done by the person who made CHT. Just thought he should be aware of it.
If either of you are willing to give me a dump of your registry, specifically the section under:
Use Registry Editor included on NRGZ ROMs for the dump. PM me if interests you or anyone else. I can get an idea of what to look for and write a mortscript to handle this for XDAUC, etc.
I hoping to find some spare time this weekend to flash CHT2000 on to a test device and check it out. Like kyderr said, it takes a while for the random link stuff to happen so it's not right out of a fresh flash and it was never consistently replicable.