Originally Posted by HB
You are absolutely right Gten, however windows platform will benefit, and we may get some better than the existing win7.
I haven't toyed with any of that yet, however i read about the limitations. And we most certainly can use a snappier OS and better apps .
I use netttalk to call back to us and Canada, and that biatch is way smoother on the iPhone, and it is crap on the TP two 5 out of 10 times. I manage with it, but demanding progress is alright
eh..it won't give any benefit to winmo, wp7 is written from scratch as is the windows ce 6.0+ kernel..personally I don't even know why wp7 carriers "windows" in its name..should have been just called the zune phone or zphone...
Its just that wp7 is a phone platform and nothing more...and it does not carry the "pc" concept.
Of course you definitely get more smoother apps, but its aimed at a different ecosystem then winmo was.
Originally Posted by Tinkerbell
Humm... how many texts are we talking about here? I have several weeks worth here since my last flash with absolutely no sluggishness...
he is probably talking about htc sense texting lag..its a known thing with htc sense..