Re: Is PPCkitchen done ?
I would still like to download the files...
I have a trusty PPC6700 that i've been in love with for ever (still does the job for me!) and i would love to actually be able to still modify it, any chance however of making 1 more version of buildOS that DOESN'T need to connect to the internet to be used. So that people can still use it if they need it even long after the server goes offline. I know my PPC6700 is going to be in my possession for several years to come (hell, i don't even use it as a phone anymore at this point, basically its a media device and book reader - but currently screwed up with my current ROM build ).
PPC Kitchen going down was bad timing for me, as i just clean-installed windows 7, and tried to re-install buildos to fix the errors i made in my previous build. Sadly to say, all the ins and outs of building a rom manually are lost on me, and i tried that 6 few years ago and bricked my first 6700 was glad to have found BuildOS. and now i miss it