Re: Thinking about moving on...
alright so heres an update..
I went to the sprint store today and played with alot of the phones.
Bottom line is that nomatter what "new" phone I get I will have to upgrade my contract.
That point aside, Ive devided that Im not too keen on the shift..
It just didnt feel right in my hands.
I went over and played with the arrive. Gata say i waas showed at how right it felt.
I still dont like the fact that it has soooo many restrictions in the way of modding..
If I end up with that I will HAVE to try and find a way around that.. but I dont really see that happening.
now I did look at some of the samsungs... Im still not tooooo fond of the samsungs.. but the galexy, the epic and one other phone, I dont remember wich one it was at the moment, did catch my attension
any last thoughts?
I mean the rep told me she couldnt tell me much but that there will be a few new releases upcomming.