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Old 10-01-2011, 09:52 PM
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Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Yea, but long press doesn't bring up recent apps. Not the end of the world.

Directions in the first post. See the other NAND thread as well. This is still pretty experimental...

Just a random question - LED I would assume indicates sleep state again...? It's always orange for me.

Oo... making a phone call doesn't seem to work out well. The UI seems to think the radio shuts off, and there's no trace of a call on the screen. I had it go into airplane mode on the last call attempt - strangely enough the call does go thru. But there's no way to control the call on the phone lol. In addition, data seems to be a bust. This is a freakin awesome starting point tho - it runs really quite well...
since you have service ill need you to do some logcats and logcat -b radios. THe ril is close to hyc's but not identical because we arent using xdandroid. This is important since this part needs to be ironed out before moving to Cyanogen Mod. So gather some logs and see whats going on.

I got your donation so ill prob get a boost account again so this can be tested thanks bro ..
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