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Old 09-29-2011, 03:49 AM
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Re: motorola vs hts sense what's the difference between them ?

I hate Motoblur and like Sense a lot. I have essentially changed everything about my phone (Photon) because Motorola's software is garbage.

The dialer is subpar and requires to many clicks among other issues.
The gallery app forces you to look at every image on your entire phone. I had to scroll through 2000 images just to get the one I wanted.
The camera forces an obnoxious clicking noise.
I don't care for the launcher and app tray so replaced them with launcher pro.
some of the widgets are decent though.

The topper is that the look of motorblur is pretty ugly as well, while sense is very polished and attractive. Fortunately you can change just about every aspect of a phone these days so it's unrecognizable at this point.
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