Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life
Just a clarification, I think he's asking if you can assign custom ringtones to those types of alerts, and it's "no" on that one unless there's an undocumented option from Microsoft. To make custom ringtones, you assign things as the RINGTONE genre in Zune and sync... to my knowledge the same doesn't happen if you try NOTIFICATION or ALERT (believe me I tried), and custome RINGTONE files don't appear in the text/email/voicemail lists (which admittedly is disappointing... I want my "BAZINGA!" sound back for text messages, lol).
Your right, I double checked it. You can under the "Alarm" app but, unless it's in the app itself, then no.
I know under Ringtones + Sounds that you can change the ring tone to custom but, nothing else.
Sorry for the miss understanding