Originally Posted by aedon
Ya I know, But my brother has a Virgin mobile so they didnt get the update till a the begining of the summer just a few months ago.
I ended up rooting and flashing a custom rom on his phone and its ALOT better.. but i still think its pretty trashy of a device.
As far as the typing goes, I type WAY to fast for my tp2 to keep up with. I'll be like 10 words ahead of it at any givin time...
you can preconfigure the speed in the custom roms so that it keeps up.
And its not just a 10 dollar fee, its 2 10 dollar fees.
Im on SERO 500.
I need to go SERO premium to get any android device.
And then SERO premium plus data for any win 7 or 4g phone
Each of wich is an added 10 bucks hence the 20 dollar raise.
oh in that case..as far as raw hardware kyracera echo has the best hardware for a none 4g android phone..
Now with the epic 4g, is that a newer device?
I mean comparitivly to whats around now, Im sure its newer then what im lugging around at the moment
its not..new new..its 1 year old...but its new enough to have 4g hence 4g fee...