Originally Posted by gTen
I dont know if that sounds right :/..I mean if it is the case there is a Kyocera Echo which spec wise is close to the Evo but has no 4G...but again I am being a little skeptical based on what a sprint agent said..I'd confirm it with their support.
i did already , lol . cause i was gonna do an early upgrade and he said it would cost me 3xx hundred for the Evo shift . so i was like well what if i buy an arrive or something off ebay ? he looked up my plan and said everything would be perfectly fine . and i even brought up the 10 dollar charge for data , and he said that only applies to those first signing up or those upgrading their contract . cause i then went into asking him well what if i buy an arrive or another non 4g phone (because i dont have 4g at my home so it would seem pointless to get it) and he said the only way i will ever get the new 10 dollar fee for data is if i upgrade my contract since i signed up before they added that .