Originally Posted by elesbb
yeah when i was at the sprint store with my very first TP2 ( the one i threw ) he recommended i get the optimus S if asurion gave me an option if they didnt have any TP2s and he said since i signed the contract without the 10 dollar data fee the only way i can now get that charge is if i go to a 4g phone or upgrade my contract .
Im in the same boat.
I mean I still have my first tp2 and I havnt had any replacements other then the one I bought online and ended up selling.
Im starting to get fed up with the tp2 tho. Its startting to slow down so much I have to pull the battery out and restart the phone to get it to stop thinking about doing what I asked and actually doing it.
But I tiered of it.. but I cant get anything better without adding the 10 dollar sartphone fee..
and if I want a 4g phone.. wich I obviously do (not cause its 4g but just cause the one I like happens to be 4g.. 4g doesnt have anything to do with it...) its and addition 10 on top of the 10 id already have to pay..
SO for me to get a beter phone then this... I have to pay 20 more a months..
thats balls