Originally Posted by nyclegend20
Sprint tech said Epic was on backorder so replaced my phone with an evo and i love it.
I would like to know how to root my evo. It is on Android 2.3.3
software version 4.53.651
Also what is the best rom for the evo currently or is stock good?
Welcome to the wold of Evo! The first link below explains how to root the 2.3.3 Gingerbread with the revolutionary method. The second link is to a thread with a link to a lot of great roms, I suggest you go through those links and look at the different roms available and see what you like and what issues if any they are having and see which one suites you best because if you ask someone they are going to give you their opinion and it might not be what your interested in, me personally I'm using Synergy and it's a great rom for me and runs great on my Evo. Links are below:
Hope this helps.