Originally Posted by unkledude
Sorry dude,
It's the usb charger cord from the original box, it plugs in to my usb port in my car. When i plug it in it'll charge for about ten seconds then an error message comes up on my radio screen. I can't play the radio when it's charging or trying to charge either. My last phone htc hero had no ptoblems at all which leads me to believe that it's the phone or a setting of some kind (either way I can't use it to charge )
Thanx for your input.
It's probably the USB cable and how the USB port in your radio is wired. The USB cable from the box is not wired for audio. It may be putting your car radio in auxilary mode.
If you try another USB cable wired for audio, it may not charge your MoPho.
Best thing to do, is get a car charger from Sprint if you want charge the MoPho in your car.....