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Old 09-12-2011, 05:27 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, Android on SD card! 4 Easy Steps (15 min): TP2 DL links (FRX07.1)

Battery save:

Much of the same as performance increase:
  • DL Advanced Task Killer Froyo from market & kill all running apps. (If you have 20 lights on in the house & TV & radion, etc., you'll use more juice!)
  • Delete any active widgets from your 3 home screens (weather, news, etc..)
  • Set your apps not to auto update in settings, so a bunch of other tasks & network access isn't going on at the same time your trying to play... settings, Accounts & sync, background data (UNCHECK IT).
  • Uncheck roaming in settings:
  • Also, the constant adds & data connection can eat battery life: Just use Droidwall from market to not let apps go on the internet all the time, (or turn off data) #282
  • Stop all the background apps & stuff from starting up in the first place... Explained in arrrghhh's post below & either Droidwall or advanced taskkiller will let you do that also.
  • arrrghhhh later started this great thread with some additional tips: [[Speed Improvements]] Brainstorming & Testing Thread!!
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