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Old 09-08-2011, 09:51 AM
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Re: Simple Guide, Android on SD card! 4 Easy Steps (15 min): TP2 DL links (FRX07.1)

Originally Posted by lovingHDTV View Post
I've noticed that when I talk on the phone for a while 15 to 20 minutes. That when I'm done the screen is off, but I can't turn the phone back on. I have to do a hard reset. Has anyone else seen this? It doesn't do it for short phone calls, just long ones.

It'll turn back on eventually, I'm betting the phone is just choking. Next time it happens, try to wait... If the phone was functional up to the end of the call, I'm betting the phone will still be functional after the call.

I'm not sure how native devices deal with this, but it seems that if the processor is pegged the phone does not like to wake up.
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