Originally Posted by buckyswider
Nautica, what were/are your primary resources for settiing up UC? I see a lot of custom registry hacking, etc., to get apps installed and configured re-configured correctly. I wonder if there's some sort of 'cookbook' thread that lists various apps and how to use UC to set them up and restore settings.
This is something I really want to use, so I don't have the trepidation of trying out a new ROM. Things the 'cookbook' could include:
1- How to automatically restore the PIM phonebook
2- How to automatically reconfigure POP mailboxes and outlook
3- How to automatically re-install and configure Squeezeplayer, WMWiFiRouter, VoiceCommand, etc. (a separate 'recipe' for each)
4- How to restore user info (obviously)
5- How to restore bluetooth pairing info (can this even be done?)
Anyhow, I digress from the point of this thread. I should start a new thread or find another to piggyback onto.
As to your question #2...I've used the SD card for all my ROM updates in the past (not 3.35 yet, though). Workd like a charm (if you've got the proper unlocker/locker thingy going on).
UC info is all right here.. it's lengthy and overwhelming at first but take your time, it's well WORTH it when you get it right... undertaking this made me understand my ppc sooo much more than before..
it does get annoying going back and forth to this thread over on xda, and i havent seen a "master" thread here dealing with it, so i say go for it as far as starting a new UC thread...
Thanks for the sd card feedback...