Wirelessly posted (VZW TP2: Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by kyderr
Originally Posted by PPCFreak
I am watching for the Titan on Verizon as well. The one thing that bugs me about it is the big screen but still 800 x 480 resolution. seems to be kind of a waste of such a big screen. That large of a screen I would think they could up the resolution (would love to see a true 720p resolution but I know that is dreaming).
Least there is something of WP7 I am looking forward to.
So here is to hoping and waiting....all notes I have been able to find is Titan to release on carriers no earlier than October...but again, not list of what carriers it will list on.
I too say an Amazon link to buy the phone ($800+ to outright purchase I believe) but no carrier actually had the phone....not sure why it was listed for sale on Amazon then.
Titan looks cool, but no Card slot and no keyboard scares me... Plus Verizon takes so freaking long to get anything to market... Who knows what they will cripple.
I watched Clash of the Titans yesterday while traveling on my TP 2. There are new phones that still cannot do that. (Did not stream it, all off the storage card)..
Will the Titan have TVOut?
i agree on verizon taking a long time to get anything to market.
I would love to see 4" + screen with wp7 AND physical keyboard....but I am seeing the trend and that trend seems to be the death of physical qwertys.....hope its not true.
I am holding out till I can see the Titan device physically in hand before jumping to it...
Also find it funny the HTC is recycling names.....I remember the Titan WM smartphone....it had a physical keyboard and was the upgrade from the Apache that I still have 2 lying around....