Originally Posted by nautica2450
Now that i have my UC configured almost perfectly... it would be counter productive for me to go back to manually installing cabs/ settings lol.... i spent the last 2 nights trying to perfect it -- i'll wait for n2c to fix this...
also another question: i finally formatted my sd card to fat32 last night and am dying to try flashing from it. what have your experiences been with flashing 3.35 from the card? And part b to that question: is NueUpdate working for those who use it? I need pros/cons if there are any...thanks in advance, you're replies really help us all geek this thing out!!!
Nautica, what were/are your primary resources for settiing up UC? I see a lot of custom registry hacking, etc., to get apps installed and configured re-configured correctly. I wonder if there's some sort of 'cookbook' thread that lists various apps and how to use UC to set them up and restore settings.
This is something I really want to use, so I don't have the trepidation of trying out a new ROM. Things the 'cookbook' could include:
1- How to automatically restore the PIM phonebook
2- How to automatically reconfigure POP mailboxes and outlook
3- How to automatically re-install and configure Squeezeplayer, WMWiFiRouter, VoiceCommand, etc. (a separate 'recipe' for each)
4- How to restore user info (obviously)
5- How to restore bluetooth pairing info (can this even be done?)
Anyhow, I digress from the point of this thread. I should start a new thread or find another to piggyback onto.
As to your question #2...I've used the SD card for all my ROM updates in the past (not 3.35 yet, though). Workd like a charm (if you've got the proper unlocker/locker thingy going on).