Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *8/31/11*
Apologies if anyone else has posted this problem.
It seems I'm stuck at the Sprint Logo after flashing v2.2. This is weird though because I flashed w/ fastboot via Recovery (look at my earlier posts for clairification). The first time I forgot to wipe the Dalvik/Data cache, and the phone froze up at the Sprint logo. Then I wiped them and reflashed and everything worked for a little while. Did a titanium backup (all apps and system data...prolly shouldnt have done the system). 3-4 hours later, I experienced the bug where turning off wifi restarts the phone, and its been stuck @ the sprint logo since.
Anyone else experience system lockups like this?