Originally Posted by masetas
yet no official GB for the EPIC and samsung is about to announce officially the
SGSIIEPIC4G Touch (or something like that ,long as name for a phone) seems like the epic is just going to be put on the back of their mind and we will never see GB let alone ICS on this phone. They should just release the source and let the Developers work out the kinks in it which they do even when official releases are made.
Dont care if its either the carrier or manufacturer that is responsible for releasing the upgrade just release it already also didnt they signed up along with all the other carriers and manufacturers to release/update their phones as soon as new update were available GB is actually already old yet we dont have it...
Sorry just had to rant a little bit
GB is not that old...and yes they did agree to it but there really was no consequences..that said I am pretty sure we will see Gingerbread..