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Old 08-26-2011, 10:52 AM
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Re: [Dev Tools] How to create mods

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Do you know how to properly remove the GPS Icon from stat bar?
This MOD will hide the GPS status reticle and

This was made possible by RMarkwald!

This guide is a reference for the smali code change that must be made inside of SystemUI.apk to properly hide the GPS icons.

You need to edit \com\android\systemui\statusbar\policy\HtcCdmaStat usBar.smali

Search for:

.method private updateMtGpsIcon()V
.registers 8

const/4 v5, 0x3

const/4 v4, 0x1

const/4 v3, 0x0

const-string v6, "gpsone"
Replace with:

.method private updateMtGpsIcon()V
.registers 8

const/4 v5, 0x3

const/4 v4, 0x0

const/4 v3, 0x0

const-string v6, "gpsone"

Last edited by OMJ; 08-26-2011 at 11:14 AM.
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