Originally Posted by ccengineer
To make sure that it is indeed Simunlocked you can issue the At command AT@ Simlock?40 if it returns simlock: 00 (the 00 is the important part here) then it is simunlocked on all levels.
Can you try the following command AT@ Simlock=7,0 . Mine is returning failure. I read somewhere that this could be the secu_flag unlocker. For some reason it doesn't work on my phone. Maybe it's not what I'm looking for but just want to make sure that it is not failing because of my Hardware.
It looks like you have a sprint phone though (From the description under your userid). Sprint phones are already sim unlocked, we need to security unlock them and install a WU radio for them to work on a US GSM network.
Yeah im on sprint .
SPRINT FTW !! but yeah i'll try those commands and i'll also look into figuring out how to get security unlocked . im almost certain its via an at command .