Originally Posted by eric12341
did u PM jellybean91 on the sprint forums? it took me until doing that to get an honest response about my ongoing data issues in my hometown. she told me that the towers in my area won't be finished with repairs and upgrades till 9/30. they have been having capacity problems all over tho and its only going to get worse when the iPhone comes if they don't fix it which is what they seem to be doing.
I didnt contact her, But I did finally talk to someone who was willing to put effort into looking at the issue.
For whatever reason, they had my location as being in copperas cove, wich is 30 mins west.
So they would alsways say I shouldnt have any issues.
But this guy put in a ticket for my issue and locked it open so that other reps wouldnt look at it and dismiss it like it had been done every other time I talked with them.
The ticket said to call me to check on status and when they called and asked if the data was cleared i said HELL NO lol
So they looked more into it and apearently out of nowhere, they have a tower they had been working on for they dont know how long because of capasity issues.
Thier computer verifies that 2 towers here are under upgrades/repair.
But the computer does not say when they started on it
they said the estimaded date is oct 31