Originally Posted by websterzx10r1
why not i have swype 3.0 beta version on my phone. I signed up as a beta user. I went to swypeinc.com and signed up . on the home page it tells u click here to join then once u give email information they send u a link u open that link on ur phone and in that link u have to click and input a code then it downloads to ur phone. Its good so far the text size is a killer i can bearly see it with my plain eyes gotta wear my glasses. might uninstall it today. no i figured out how to make text bigger. open up a text message press menu more text size.
Is your EVO 3D rooted? If not, how did you install the new version of swype over the existing one (that is provided by default on EVO 3D?)
I know that the recent update to EVO 3D bumped our swype version to 3.21.87 - but that really isn't the latest version.
(If your phone is rooted, what you suggested would certainly work)