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Old 08-20-2011, 09:10 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *8/18/11*

OMJ's EVO 3D 2.3.4 v2.0!!!
Deodexed w/ Stock Kernel

(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)


8/20 Updates v2.0

-Based on Stock RUU 2.08.651.2
-Stock Kernel

-Removed Amazon
-Removed Blockbuster
-Removed GeenHornet
-Removed ereader
-Removed Sprint Radio
-Removed GreenHornet
-Removed IQAgent
-Removed HTC Mobile guide
-Removed Sprint 3D Games
-Removed Sprint Mobile
-Removed Sprint Nascar
-Removed Sprint TV
-Removed Sprint TeleNav
-Removed Spiderman
-Removed Qik
-Removed Transfer my Stuff
-Removed USB debug icon
-Removed GPS off icon

-Added Battery % icons
-Added Custom Greeting on language screen
-Added Custom Widget layout
-Added 1x/3G mod
-Added 4N1 reboot menu
-Added Animated notification icons (Thx SteelH!)
-Added Extended Quick Settings
-Added hacked sprint hotspot (Thx SteelH!)
-Added MSL reader
-Added Google+
-Added Cache Cleaner
-Added File Expert
-Added Facebook
-Added MyBackupRoot
-Added PPCGeeks Tapatalk
-Added Titanium Backup
-Added Wifi Tether v3.1-beta3

-Updated Google Talk w/ Video
-Updated Flashplayer
-Updated Market 3.0.27
-Updated EPST for ## codes

-Dalvik VM Heap set to 48m
-MMS max set to 5M

if you flash ANY 2.08 ROM you should update the firmware, just make sure it's the modified version w/o the new hboot, but read this post FIRST!

rename to, flash from bootloader

credit to xHausx!

Last edited by OMJ; 08-21-2011 at 06:16 AM.
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