Hey @
Tinkerbell - thanks for the info... I was just trying to figure this out - but...
does this apply for my TP2 that does not have Sprint service anymore? I have sharkie's rom there - I installed the 1st two links, but I do not see a "DotFred" application - I saw the taskmanager in a folder called "system"
I thought I could just connect the Tp2 to a wifi and turn on the wifi-router AND then have a wifi device connect to my SSID TP2... the only 2 options I had from wifi router were sprint / phone as a modem.
I saw the ICS application in sharkie's rom but it gave me a USB connection option - tried connecting my tablet pc to the phone via usb but got the similar sprint error message as the OP.
When I tried connecting via USB to the device - it says local area connection connected 10,00MBps - and stuck on "identifying" - this is on a windows 7 pro 32 OS.
Also in the ICS settings advanced menu - there are network options for ISP / Data / Sprint / work (2 areas for this)...
I havent touched the registry instructions - just installed both cabs (soft reset in between both).
At this point, I have :
a) enabled wifi on TP2 and connected to the wifi network I want
b) installed both cabs
c) I have a usb cable (but I thought I could also connect without it - but that doesn't seem to work when trying wifi-router)
Thanks in advance to any walkthrough on this.