Originally Posted by danejor741
Since I'm clueless with a lot of all this.. I need to know how to get off the destroyer ROM, and flash synergy if you have a link maybe and if you could assist me, it'd help me out a lot. Please and thank you.
I would be happy to assist. First download the ROM
[ROM] Synergy [RLS1] [8/5/11] - Now With Warm Sprinkles! - xda-developers (I'm using RLS1) and transfer to your SD card. If you haven't done a backup yet this is a great time to do so and transfer a copy to your computer. Boot into recovery and clear you cache, dalvick, and system and then select install zip from SD card (note: text may not be exact depending on your recovery software) and scroll to Synergy-RLS1-supersonic.zip and install. I am also using Weather lock screen 2 from
Synergy weather lock screen + Gmode also - xda-developers just install it like the ROM above. Reboot as normal and if everything works boot back into recovery and do a backup.
Hope that clears it up some,