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Old 08-18-2011, 07:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13.651.7 | Sense 3.0 | Updated *8/17/11*

Originally Posted by dimensi0n View Post
Old Man. You really have to try out SilverNeedle. I am using a 8/16 version that I flashed with TeamWin Kernel manager, and I have to say, WOW.
yeah, I'm definitely gonna try it....

Originally Posted by juortiz85 View Post
I feel like there is more hidden in this update than what people know right now. I think its to risky to take the update right now. Once the developers who acquired permanent root look at the guts of this ota and find a way to root this update and gives the okay to update then i'll do so. Until then I'm fine with my current ROM and it's capabilities. Hopefully they will let us know.

Sent from my PG86100 using PPCGeeks
that may be true, the most important thing is not to install the hboot...xHausx has modified the firmware zip to exclude hboot, I've flash it w/ no issues. also, I'm using his root base, since there's no RUU to use.

they may need to achieve root for the official OTA, but we're using a modified version that IS rooted.

I've customized to my usual liking & everything looks good....I'm uploading now

Last edited by OMJ; 08-18-2011 at 07:05 PM.
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