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Old 08-17-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: WTF whwres my Gingerbread update??

Originally Posted by ToolNila View Post
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Yikes, apparently I have a lot of research to do since I have no clue what either of you are talking about. Besides all the bloatware, what's so bad about the OTA update? Total noob here.
haha yeah it's a lot to take in at first.

below is a thread with a lot of information on rooting and a lot of good stuff, be aware that the thread was made before Gingerbread came out so some stuffs different, that's if you are on the Gingerbread 2.3 rom that Sprint put out.

I suggest reading and watching youtube videos until you feel more comfortable and if you have any questions feel free to ask and someone will point you in the right direction, it's really not hard and your not going to hurt your phone by flashing a rom, it's when you get into flashing radios and stuff where you can screw things up. Also if you are on the Gingerbread 2.3 rom check out that link that iknowsquat put in the above post <the blue revolutionary link above>.

I just scanned the first couple of posts in that thread and see that he updated some stuff and the link to root the hboot 2.16 Gingerbread update is in that thread also. Also another note is that it took me a week or two of reading before I rooted and flashed my first custom rom, so don't feel pressured into hurrying up just read and try to understand as much as you can and it will all work out.

Sorry for the long post but I keep thinking of things to tell you lol. Bloatware is all the crap programs that Sprint puts on their roms, stuff like nascar, sprint tv, sprint football, nothing to wrong with it if your into all that stuff, but it takes up room and slows the phone down and stuff like that is why everyone calls it bloatware and wants it off.
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Last edited by KIOWA69; 08-18-2011 at 12:01 AM.
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