Originally Posted by fsturniolo
I'm in exactly the same boat as the OP. I still have my TP2, and have absolutely loved it. Modded with several cabs, but always resisted any more than that. I'm an older user, more business oriented...and don't really want to perform any serious mods, but like to fiddle (not sure I will try rooting). If I leave the TP2 behind, I'll also incur Sprint's $10 surcharge for data (probably more like $15 with taxes). But I too am tired of WM, and lately the TP2 just feels so slow. So I'm looking at the Evo 3d, and liking what I'm seeing. My questions are: I read of many issues with phone reception, which is critical for me, and have no problems with my TP2. Am I going to regret this switch? Is it good "out of the box" or does it need mods? What about business use: connecting to my Outlook for contacts and calendar with Android? I know HTC has a patch for that, but has anyone tried it, and does it work? (I don't want to connect to my exchange server, because I don't want the constant streaming of emails). I hear of new phones this fall...should I wait? It seems that the 3d may be a little buggy?
Sorry I'm so long winded...appreciate any helpful comments.
I've switched from a TP2 to the Evo3D a week ago; the reception is as good as the TP2 in the area I live and work.
The phone is very responsive and snappy which I really like.
The only issue I found is with ActiveSync connection to my work exchange server when using Push notifications, but as far as you're concerned you can sync your calendar and contacts at work with the Evo3D.
There are other small bugs with the HTC/Android software which will probably be addressed in future updates.