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Old 08-16-2011, 06:13 PM
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Re: Mic detection on 3.5mm (rhodw only)

Originally Posted by td4guy View Post
Running FRX07 full bundle 20110715 on a RHOD400. Using the h2w headset that came with my old HTC Titan/Mogul, because the TP2 didn't come with one.
Simply plugging in the h2w headset does nothing.When I plugged the 3.5mm in, both headsets magically came to life. The button doesn't do anything. If I removed the 3.5mm, the music kept playing through the h2w.

At that point, I unplugged both headsets and rebooted the phone.

Then I plugged both back in. I called the phone from my landline and tried to answer the call by pressing the headset's button. Nothing. Mic worked fine on the headset, but only as long as the 3.5mm stayed plugged in. When I unplugged the 3.5mm, the headset's mic stopped working. Audio worked though. The button never did anything.

Here's an odd thing. When both the 3.5mm and h2w are plugged in, music won't pause for more than 5 seconds. If I unplug the h2w, the music stays paused indefinitely, and instantly unpauses when I plug it back in.

When I ended my call, the music came back on after 5 seconds. I hadn't even had the music app open since rebooting. I pressed the Home button and then long-pressed it, and Music didn't even show up on my recent apps list.

[ACL], I'd be more than happy to let you borrow my h2w headset (and maybe one of my spare RHOD400s). I never use 'em. Hit me up at my username at
Awesome.. this is good and bad. Well bad because detection requires more work but good cuz i'll probably prep some patch for you to test again

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