Re: Rev. A
Your poll results will be meaningless due to the confusing labeling system chosen by HTC and your unclear poll choices. For example, "You Have Enabled Rev. A and It Works Better" could be interpreted as "You changed the EPST setting to display 'Enable'", or alternatively "You have read and understood the posts that explain that when the EPST displays 'Disable' your Rev. A is enabled, and that is your current setting". Since your other choice is "You Left Rev. A Disabled and It Works Better", it appears that you have not read and understood those posts, as if you "leave it" it will be enabled.
Regardless of the results of your poll, Rev. A is enabled when the EPST displays "Disable". This setting is confusing, but was never designed to be accessed by the user, and the ROM ships with Rev. A enabled. There is no need to change it from the default nor to vote in this poll.
Last edited by bakntyme; 03-12-2008 at 09:45 AM.