Originally Posted by nerys
though it crashed one more time (right after installing weather bug of all things !!! dun dun dun !!!) does android "reboot" after installing certain apps? I am wondering if maybe it did not crash but actually just rebooted after install for some reason though odd it did not ask me first.
Nah, the system will reboot within Android (after a long system hang suddenly you'll just see the flying Androids...) if the system is unavailable.
Not sure if it's the new cache settings or what, but I've been having more frequent reboots within Android when installing apps. I used to get it on occasion before (usually when updating 5+ apps) but now I quite frequently get it on just a single app install/update. I need to experiment with that setting to see, but I have a feeling that write cache setting that was changed in 07 is the culprit...