Originally Posted by nerys
thats ok. I can put one in every single folder EXCEPT the media music and walls folder etc..
Wish there was an opposite function ie exclude all except  though I guess thats largely me having so many folders
Hmm windows won't let me name a file without a filename ie has to be *.nomedia hmmm got to figure out a way around that
maybe rename it in the phone and then replug to windows to copy paste to all the folders. see if it will let me do that
I'm sure there's a fairly easy way to do it directly in Android. I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I'm sure it would involve adb shell and some fancy voodoo to /sdcard

Either way, it is kind of a dumb behavior. It would be easier if it was the other way around... c'est la vie... About the only actual solution is hyc's patch, which as I said was rejected... I guess if you wanted to keep your own local tree. Sounds like a lot of pain for this (admittedly) stupid behavior.