No MARKET/Amazon update control
I just got the new Market installed automatically yesterday whether I wanted it or not. Takes a little getting used to but it's not at all bad.
My issue is that my Amazon Appstore freebie-of-the-day apps regularly show up on my Market list as needing updates. Previously I would have to authorize payment through Google for Amazon apps to get them updated on the Market. Which I declined, of course, after getting caught and billed once.
Now the Amazon freebie apps just get listed as needing updates and the update is blocked, which is better. But it's still annoying because they hang on at the top of the Market's My App list with update buttons. Also there seems to be different versions of apps and their updates offered on the 2 markets.
Actually we've got a lot more important things to bitch about these days and this is no big deal. But if Amazon can figure out which of my apps are from the Market and not list or try to update them, I don't know why Market can't do the same.
<end of rant>
Stephen AKA WanderingMinstrel
Jornada>Apache>TouchPro>Epic 4G