Re: Mango released to users on Sept 1st ?
One can only hope. So far I can say I haven't been extremely happy with the limited OS of the original and NoDo OS I've got in my phone and I've only had it for about 1 month now. I know I was coming from an OS that was many years in the making with WM6.5 but I have to say I have been very disappointed in the knowledge that MS put out such a limited OS on a phone they launched with the intention of gaining any significant share and being a major player again in the smartphone market. I will concede the limited number of applications. that's to be expected with an entirely new setup and system, that will correct itself in time, but the fact they shipped such a stripped down OS to be their best foot forward into the arena is unacceptable.
Also, as was stated by one and rebuked by another, I to am a home user that uses Outlook and desire, no, REQUIRE the ability to sync my outlook from my home computer to my hand held device and not have to go through the clouds to do it. I don't sync with work, or school, or any place else that I require my data to be placed into the internet "cloud bank". There's absolutely no excuse for why a Windows Phone 7 device cannot link up and communicate directly with my Windows 7 Computer.