SOLVED!!! Here's how you can use Game Genie on Nesoid. You must first download the Game Genie Rom (.nes), I got it from RomNation (
Game Genie (Unl) Rom Download for Nintendo NES at ROMNation.NET ). After downloading, unzip the file. (Download using home PC or laptop if you can, otherwise you MUST unzip the file so that you have a .nes file extension. Next, load up the game you want to play and use game genie. Then go into settings, then into other settings, then enable game genie. Then, choose the file path that leads to GameGenie.nes, or whatever variation in the name. Then, either Reset, or close, then re-open the game, and you should get a brief gray screen, then Game Genie pops up, you will have 3 lines for codes. To get codes, go to: ( Nintendo (Game Genie) Codes ). When you are done putting in the codes, just hit Return or Enter button on your phone. (Start button on Nintendo, whatever you have it configured to.) And there you have it. I tried it for SuperC, and it worked beautifully.
I know for all you old school Nintendo fans, it will feel good getting Infinite Lives and Continues with a game like SuperC. This should answer everyone's question.