Originally Posted by orangekid
Well I do like Live Tiles a lot, but the big clock does have time/date/weather/alarm in an aesthetic way. HTC hub one is freaking amazing but I wish I could set that on my home screen and then scroll down for tiles.
On the ATT thing, they won't do it, we just need to hack the xap. Since my roms are always developer unlocked I can just manually install it.
I really like the live tiles as well. I also like the bigger HTC clock; however I don't miss it at all. The lockscreen clock is more than functional for me. I agree, I think the HTC hub is a pretty cool. It would be nice to be able for the user to use it at least on the lockscreen when you wake up the phone.
Back on topic, I just really enjoy the smoothness and speed of the OS even before Mango. Everything just works. Most things missing will be available w/the official update. I also love the Zune integration.