Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
OK, I'll wait till the official release. But, doesn't the phone have to be unlocked in order to install the Mango OS? Kinda a Chicken or Egg delima
No, your phone does not need to be unlocked to install mango. I installed it before I got my Dev account setup fine.
Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
OK, so has anyone had any luck unlocking or jailbreaking the Arrive/7Pro? I just got mine and have never done anything like this before. I tried Chevron. I've even gone to Dreamspark and the Developers site to try and register as a developer to get my phone unlocked and so far no luck. I've tried entering and registering as a student, using my college .edu email address and so far no replies for verification.
I think I need some hand holding to get this to work. I'd really like to use teh Device manager program but can't get it to do anything until I get my new Arrive unlocked.
Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
ok, ok...heh
If you setup a "App Hub" account, your phone will not be unlocked till you are verified.
You need to submit a dummy app then the verification process will start, just don't upload it, you have to go through the 15 steps to "submit" the app.
After you submit your dummy app, in about 24-48 hours you will get a verify email, once you enter that info, you will be able to unlock your phone. Once you are verified, you will use the "Windows Phone Developer Registration" app that came with the dev tools to unlock your phone (need to sign in with your live account)
A few min in google should get you the info on what you need here. There is a website that will make a XAP file out of a webpage(I used it, I forgot the link tho), use that to create a XAP to submit.
Any questions on this, PM me, I went through the same thing, even submitted a ticket before I found out what I needed to do, also don't forget to hit thanks