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Old 08-09-2011, 04:59 AM
s_minervini's Avatar
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[help] verizon tp2 gps problem ...

hi my friends,
I'm getting real mad with this verizon tp2 gps,
this is the problem, i solved he problem with the gps lag in tomtom installing the moddriver app or using copilot, when i start the gps program, all work fine and really fast, but after 15/20 minutes of use, the program (copilot or tomtom) start to lost the gps fix and after a while is not more able to fix the satellite anymore (the back of the phone became real hot also), i have to close the program and restart but after few minutes it happens again and again...

i tried many different rom, the stock 6.1 and 6.5, energyrom and many other, all gave me the same problem....

the radio can affect the gps?

please help me, i need the gps badly...


p.s. usted the task29 app to clean completely the phone and now re installing the

"RUU_Rhodium_W_WM65_VERIZON_WWE_3.04.605.3_RS_2.23 . 00WV_NV_VZW_1.94_1111_PRL58005_Ship.exe"

now i will try...

p.p.s. first freeze on copilot after 30 min o perfect working....

Last edited by s_minervini; 08-09-2011 at 12:37 PM.
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