Originally Posted by unre4l
Does anyone know which registry key to delete/modify in order to prevent an exchange admin from wiping your phone remotely to factory defaults. I just found out that if you sync to an exchange server and if that server has some policy pushed down to your phone then they can wipe your phone, SD card and such. I have a personal phone that I sunc with our coporate exchange server but i sure dont want them to be able to wipe it.
Any help is appreciated. Thx.
My company used this MS crap a year ago. In addition to the wipe, they enforced the complex password and mandatory 15 minutes lockout. Needless to say I was quite pissed and really motivated to get rid of them in 30 minutes. They added a bunch of keys and some of them were very obvious like wipe counter etc.
You need to goto HKLM\Comm\Security (everything should be there and its the subdirectories)
1. they might install two new keys there in addition to the default and got rid of them.
2. LASSD\AE\{50C...} Make sure both AExxx keyes are zero.
4. There are duplicated in Policy folder as well.
I did not remember the extract keys to delete and modify since it was a while ago and most of the keys are new stuff and not on my system any more. But if you can export HKLM\Comm\Security\LASSD and Policy folders, I can point out the junk to modify or delete.
The good news is all the craps are in those two places with one set each....
If you have not setup the exchange yet, just backup your registry and dump to text file using SPB Backup and cleanup accordingly since you knew the place now. It's not hard at all... Good luck!