Re: Is there fast charge for the Evo3d anywhere?
Originally Posted by yankees45us
Mine used to be slow at first but now it's working fine. You should use your battery till it drains completely then charge it to full without unplugging it. Do this several times. If your phone still does it take it in to repair center or buy extra batteries with external charger. That's what I do.
Oh and also check what live wallpaper your using. I was using a fireworks wallpaper and as soon as I changed it my phone charged normally and didn't drain that fast. Just work on the different things that might be causing the problem. Good luck.
Sent from my EVO 3D using PPCGEEKS Android App
Why do people keep recommending this? Completely draining lithium ion batteries can potentially cause severe damage to your battery and battery performance. Li-ion batteries are NOT like older nickel type batteries where completely draining it then fully charging it was a way of life. Again to the orginal poster, this method is NOT recommended for your battery if you want to increase performance. Now I don't know what phone you are coming from but keep in mind the the evo 3d does have a higher capacity battery than the evo 4g so its safe to assume that it will take a little longer for it to charge compared to the original evo 4g.
Last edited by themuffinman; 08-05-2011 at 07:29 PM.