OMJ's EVO 3D 2.3.3 v1.1!!!
Deodexed w/ Stock Kernel
(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)
8/3 Updates v1.1
-Based on Stock 1.13.651.7 RUU
-Deodexed (for now)
-Stock Kernel
-Removed Amazon
-Removed Blockbuster
-Removed GeenHornet
-Removed ereader
-Removed Sprint Radio
-Removed HTC Mobile guide
-Removed Sprint 3D Games
-Removed Sprint Mobile
-Removed Sprint Nascar
-Removed Sprint TV
-Removed Sprint TeleNav
-Removed Sprint Hotspot
-Removed Spiderman
-Removed Qik
-Removed Transfer my Stuff
-Removed WifiRouter
-Added Battery % MOD
-Added Cache Cleaner
-Added ES File Explorer
-Added Facebook
-Added MyBackupRoot
-Added PPCGeeks Tapatalk
-Added QuickBoot
-Added Titanium Backup
-Added Wifi Tether v3.1-beta2
-Updated Gmail
-Updated Google Maps
-Updated Market
3D removed apps-deodex