08-02-2011, 03:22 AM
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[ROM] 11/24 - SenselessROM 2.9.5 -GB 2.3.4 - Wow! Just Wow!
Welcome to SenselessROM - For those who want the lock stock AOSP / Gingerbread but with functionality of Sense
All Apps are up to date as of 11/24/2011.
ROM is de-odexed and based on official Sprint RUU 2.08.651.2.
You MUST read posts #2 before flashing!
Features- OS: Gingerbread 2.3.4 Deodexed
- Kernel: Stock with Capacitive Light Dimming and Always On Notification LED by mwalt
- Theme: As close to AOSP as I could get it
- ROM Updater: Add Battery, Themes, Fonts, CRT Animations, Beats Audio and More!
- Apps: ES File Explorer, DSP Manager
- Tethering: WiFi Tether 3.1-Pre 104 for 3G and 4G Wireless Tether / Sprint Hotspot
- Tweaked: Performance, Battery, MMS, Browser, more!
Version 2.9.5 - 11/24/2011- Fixed: Personalize Menu (Big thanks to freeza!)
- Updated: Extended EPST Functions
- Updated: WiFi Tether 3.1 Pre 104
- Changed: Stock HTC Camera now default
- Removed: SD Card folder

Donations always accepted but never expected!
Last edited by scrosler; 11-24-2011 at 10:32 PM.